The Silver Lining in Bari Weiss’ Shocking Woke Hollywood Expose

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Most of what I knew about how Hollywood really worked came from Robert Altman’s brilliant satire “The Player” and screenwriter William Goldman’s hilarious memoir, “Adventures in the Screen Trade.”

That is, until one afternoon in 1992 when I found myself on the Paramount lot pitching ideas to “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” How exactly that came to happen is a funny story.

A while before, I’d chanced upon an article in Cinefantastique magazine about how a guy named Ron Moore had mailed ...

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From Beijing With Love

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When you write a novel that extrapolates current events to create fictional drama, there’s no greater satisfaction than seeing what you predicted actually come true in real life–unless, of course, you’re talking about space herpes or the zombie apocalypse, in which case everyone’s fortunes take a turn for the worse. With pretty much everything else, though, an author can’t help but say, “I told you so!” hopefully while doing a cable news or national radio ...

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You Remember That New Book I Promised?

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Yeah, yeah–it’s been forever since I sneakily announced a new book was in the works. And yes, it’s also been forever since I last posted anything here on the site. But life, being what it is, has a tendency to get in the way of things like blogging and whatnot–and so does writing and editing a novel!

On that note, though, I’m happy to announce that the work is complete and the new book is now available on Continue Reading


To Boldly Podcast…

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As I have shamelessly plugged here before, your humble blogger also happens to be a writer of science fiction–which is kind of obvious, given the content of this website! I’ve actually been doing it for the better part of twenty years, but I had to crank out eight whole novels before any publisher would touch me with a ten foot pole. Along the way I had a few adventures out in Hollywoodland, when I was invited ...

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Opus Trek

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Back when I was a kid, I begged my mom to buy me what I thought of as the Holy Grail of Star Trek reference books, The Star Trek Compendium by Allan Asherman.  Of course, it didn’t help that I told her that the name of the book was The Star Trek Emporium–but eventually, trusty mom figured it out and it picked the book up just in time for my birthday.  Unwrapping that puppy, I couldn’t wait to jump in and read about ...

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All Aboard

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Since we mentioned the renowned Payne Harrison in our last post, I thought it might also be a good time to mention that he’s working on a revamp of his website and has posted a nifty trailer for his latest novel, EUROSTORM.

If you like guns, tough-as-nails commandos, guns, beautiful and mysterious operatives, terrifying conspiracies, guns, explosions, pulse-pounding excitement, trains and guns, you’ll like this one.  Joe Bob says check it out:

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