The Silver Lining in Bari Weiss’ Shocking Woke Hollywood Expose

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Most of what I knew about how Hollywood really worked came from Robert Altman’s brilliant satire “The Player” and screenwriter William Goldman’s hilarious memoir, “Adventures in the Screen Trade.”

That is, until one afternoon in 1992 when I found myself on the Paramount lot pitching ideas to “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” How exactly that came to happen is a funny story.

A while before, I’d chanced upon an article in Cinefantastique magazine about how a guy named Ron Moore had mailed ...

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Wonder Woman 1984: Not as good as I hoped, not as bad as I feared

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I’ve been on something of a hiatus from commentary as of late–which, given the circumstances the country finds itself in, isn’t the worst thing in the world for a guy who would very much like to keep his marbles;  but it also makes me feel a bit derelict in my duty to snark at the passing scene, if only to provide a laughing counterpoint to all the craziness and post-election malaise.  So what’s a person to do when he wants ...

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From Beijing With Love

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When you write a novel that extrapolates current events to create fictional drama, there’s no greater satisfaction than seeing what you predicted actually come true in real life–unless, of course, you’re talking about space herpes or the zombie apocalypse, in which case everyone’s fortunes take a turn for the worse. With pretty much everything else, though, an author can’t help but say, “I told you so!” hopefully while doing a cable news or national radio ...

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Trek or Treat!

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Happy Halloween, Hammerheads!  Okay, I probably don’t have near enough fans to actually assign them all a cute nickname–but you’e out there, somewhere, maybe wondering why the hell I haven’t posted in a while.  And even if you’re not wondering, I’m gonna tell ya!  I’ve been–er, busy?  Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Actually, I have been pretty busy lately, doing my contributor gig over at The Resurgent and—don’t keel over from a heart attack when I tell you this–working on ...

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Avengers: Infinity War or Thanos: The Hand of Fate?

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After taking my son to a sold-out showing on Saturday, I can personally attest that Avengers: Infinity War really throws down the gauntletboth figuratively, and in the case of arch-villain Thanos, quite literally. Armed a metal glove forged from the same stuff as Thors hammer, Thanos is on a mission to collect all six Infinity Stonesgems formed at the moment of creation, which embody the elemental powers of the universe. With them, he can wield those powers as his own, ...

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The Pro-Life Heart of Blade Runner 2049

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The big questions of lifehow long we have, how memory defines us, what it means to be humanfigure prominently in the Blade Runneruniverse, first introduced to cinemas by Ridley Scott back in 1982. Working loosely from the trippy Philip K. Dick novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,Scott jettisoned most of Dicks hippy-dippy drug culture subtext and instead focused on a visual style in which the setting drove the narrative just as much as the characters. In this fully-realized world, ...

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