New York Minute

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Making a day trip up to the Big Apple from the deep south makes for one very long day–up before dawn, at the airprt by six a.m., wheels on the ground before lunch and then back home by midnight–but what happens in between flies by like white lightning.  Since my mom went along, I did a little more of the touristy thing this time around–taking a stroll over to Lincoln Center, checking out the Rock and the Empire State Building, ...

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If I Can Make It There…

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Yeah, yeah–you know how the rest goes!  And that means it’s time for another trip up to the Big Apple to do some press for PRODIGAL.  Mike Straka, entertainment reporter extraordinaire, has invited this humble author to appear on his Real Deal webcast, so I’ll be heading up to New York on October 20th to tape a segment with him.  Since it’s a day trip, I won’t have too much time to do the tourst thing–but I will be making ...

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Prodigal Sightings

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Well, it’s official now–PRODIGAL has been out for a little over a week, and like Waldo it seems to be popping up everywhere.  I did the ritual first trip to the Borders Bookstore near my office in Tampa and saw it proudly displayed on the new releases shelf (and I didn’t even have to pester the staff!).  All the late-night writing sessions, nail-biting deadlines, last-minute edits and proof corrections all come down to this:  the first time you see your ...

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What’s in a Name?

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I exchanged an e-mail with Aussie writer Max Barry last week, asking him if he wouldn’t mind me sending a copy of PRODIGAL down under as a hearty thanks for giving me such a nice blub for HAMMERJACK.  I also thought he might be interested to know that his comments figured rather prominently in the mass market edition–though the inside cover brands him as the proud author of The Company, released by Doubleday earlier this year.

Well, those of ...

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Publicity Hound

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Everybody’s favorite bimbo (who shall remain nameless here, but is named for a city famous for espresso, croissants and the occasional surrender) was in the news again last week, this time for a DUI. Seems all she needs to do is have one too many margaritas and get behind the wheel of a $500,000 Mercedes, and suddenly a traffic stop becomes an international sensation.

Sigh. If only it were so easy for a relatively new science-fiction writer.

Then again, if ...

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Screen Play

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It may just be the most revised work I’ve ever done–a screenplay that I originally wrote years ago, gone thorugh at least six drafts–but I’m happy to report that FINAL INNINGS is back in the game! If you’ve ever checked out my Library Page, you might have noticed it as little more than a mysterious reference to one of my many unproduced works. You collect a lot of those during the ...

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