Here’s where you can find links to reviews, interviews and other media-type stuff. Not that I’m a one-man publicity machine, but I’m always happy to answer questions about my work. After all, where would a writer be if he couldn’t prattle on about his latest and greatest thing?
So with shameless abandon, allow me to present…
Fox Magazine Interview
Mike Straka, a genuinely great guy who worked for Fox News a few years back, was kind enough to feature yours truly in his web column when HAMMERJACK got picked up by Bantam Spectra. Even better, he invited me to New York to do an interview! Here’s what he put together. I think he managed to get my good side, didn’t he?
Anyway, you can check Mike out these days covering MMA on Fight Now TV!
Spectra Pulse Interview with Tamara Siler Jones
This was an idea that my editor Juliet Ulman had back when Tamara and I both had books coming out at the same time. She interviewed me, and I interviewed her–and the resulting banter was published in the Spectra Pulse newsletter. Fun insights with a couple of fellow authors. Watch out, though, because Tamara has a dark side!