From Beijing With Love

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When you write a novel that extrapolates current events to create fictional drama, there’s no greater satisfaction than seeing what you predicted actually come true in real life–unless, of course, you’re talking about space herpes or the zombie apocalypse, in which case everyone’s fortunes take a turn for the worse. With pretty much everything else, though, an author can’t help but say, “I told you so!” hopefully while doing a cable news or national radio ...

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The Dangers of Googlethink

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As a child of the 80s, the definitive historical event of my young life was the destruction of the space shuttleChallenger. To this day, I can remember exactly the circumstances when I heard the news: I was a seniorin high school, sitting in Ms. Figley’sanatomy and physiology class, when Mr. Davis–a revered teacher who had been at the school for what seemed like forever–opened the door and told all of us, “The space shuttle just blew up.” My classmates ...

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Meet the Elite

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With all the furor surrounding the Wikileaks dumps of John Podesta’s emails, most of the energy on this side of the pond seems to be spent on finding some kind of a smoking gun–proof positive of anything scandalous, really, that could be used to either club his client Hillary Clinton or provide further proof of how much the “news” media are in the tank for her.  Over in the UK, meanwhile, Thomas Frank has taken to the pages of The Guardian ...

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Dick or Treat

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Election 2016 has been called a dumpster fire, a choice between being shot and being hanged, electile dysfunction, and the original creepy clown show–but even with all that, I doubt anybody could have foreseen Weinergate inserting itself into the proceedings at such a late stage of the game.

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, New York City prosecutor Preet Bharara (known as “The Terminator” to his friends, and God knows what else to his enemies), while investigating disgraced former ...

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Tripping the Fraud Fantastic

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With the “news” media getting their knickers all in a swivet over Donald Trump’s tweeting over a rigged election, Jim Geraghty over at NRO has a pretty reasonable piece on the reality of voter fraud, and how there’s scant evidence to prove that it’s widespread enough to tip a presidential election.  While I agree with the gist of his analysis, I do think that he misses the larger point–one that comes into pretty stark relief when you take ...

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Reap the Wild Media

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Michael Goodwin of the New York Post has an interesting piece today about how the New York Times has pretty much sold out for the sake of taking Donald Trump down.  Granted, the Post is a competitor to the Times and definitely has a more rightward slant than the Old Gray Lady, but Goodwin is pretty spot on in his analysis:

Opinions, all uniformly anti-Trump, now ooze from the paper’s every pore, with headlines on front-page “news” articles indistinguishable from daily denunciations on ...

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