BookBub Has a Bargain Put Aside For Thee

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Hi, kids!  Long time, so see!  I know I’ve sworn up and down that I’d get of my lazy duff and actually start posting some stuff on the blog…but this time I really mean it!  Well, at least so long as the other various duties that seem to chew up most of my time these days are kept at bay.

It also helps to have something interesting (not to mention mysterious) to report.  Yesterday, my old writer buddy and fellow Texas ...

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Most authors dream of writing a book that changes people’s lives. Even yours truly has entertained the thought every now and then–although it never crossed my mind that a sci-fi action thriller like HAMMERJACK would be that book. Hell, I just counted myself as lucky when I got some good reviews. But reader Bertie W. from the UK informs me otherwise:

Your book got me into trouble, by the way, with my girlfriend. I found it while I ...

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The Numbers Game

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My buddy Steve, an engineer in Colorado, sent me this interesting artlcle about firms that will–for a more than modest fee–propel your book to the top of the charts at Amazon and other online retailers, even if it’s just for a little while. One gets the notion from the tone of the piece that the whole thing is just a big scam, and I’d have to say that I agree. I mean, sure–I’ve followed my own numbers on Amazon ...

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Old Dog, New Tricks

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Welcome to 2007! Man, that still sounds weird. If you’re anything like me, you spent the better part of the 80s calculating how old you’d be when the year 2000 rolled around and what life might be like–and now here we are, getting close to a decade past that. Remember all the hysteria over the whole Y2K thing? It seems like a long time ago–and not just because most of those cheesy predictions turned out to ...

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Advice for the Young at Art

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It only took a year or so, but I’ve finally got a new essay posted on the Write Turns page! If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to finish a novel–or why someone would ever want to tackle such an Quixotic undertaking in the first place–feel free to kick the tires, start the engine and take the article for a spin. Just make sure you have it back before curfew, eh?

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Wacky Wiki

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Back in late 1970s Hollywood, it was said that you had “arrived” as an actor if you were offered a guest spot on The Love Boat. I’m not exactly how accurate that line of thinking was (Charo, where are you now?), but it seems to me that the modern-day equivalent–at least for geeks like me–is getting your own mention on Wikipedia.

Well, I must be slowly seeping into the pop-culture zeitgeist, because I actually found myself listed there. ...

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