The Dangers of Googlethink

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As a child of the 80s, the definitive historical event of my young life was the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger.  To this day, I can remember exactly the circumstances when I heard the news:  I was a senior in high school, sitting in Ms. Figley’s anatomy and physiology class, when Mr. Davis–a revered teacher who had been at the school for what seemed like forever–opened the door and told all of us, “The space shuttle just blew up.”  My classmates ...

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To Boldly Podcast…

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As I have shamelessly plugged here before, your humble blogger also happens to be a writer of science fiction–which is kind of obvious, given the content of this website!  I’ve actually been doing it for the better part of twenty years, but I had to crank out eight whole novels before any publisher would touch me with a ten foot pole. Along the way I had a few adventures out in Hollywoodland, when I was invited ...

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Faking It

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Although journalists would be loath to admit it, the “news” business is actually a lot like the fashion industry.  First off, reporters tend to glom on to whatever the meme of the day happens to be, the same way that fashionistas attach themselves to a hot trend.  In this, they reinforce their own sense of relevance while demonstrating to viewers how hip they are (though, in my humble view, in doing so they only end up looking like Dr. Evil ...

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Meet the Elite

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With all the furor surrounding the Wikileaks dumps of John Podesta’s emails, most of the energy on this side of the pond seems to be spent on finding some kind of a smoking gun–proof positive of anything scandalous, really, that could be used to either club his client Hillary Clinton or provide further proof of how much the “news” media are in the tank for her.  Over in the UK, meanwhile, Thomas Frank has taken to the pages of The Guardian ...

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Dick or Treat

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Election 2016 has been called a dumpster fire, a choice between being shot and being hanged, electile dysfunction, and the original creepy clown show–but even with all that, I doubt anybody could have foreseen Weinergate inserting itself into the proceedings at such a late stage of the game.

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, New York City prosecutor Preet Bharara (known as “The Terminator” to his friends, and God knows what else to his enemies), while investigating disgraced former ...

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Analog Dreams

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Hat tip to my writer buddy Neal Asher, who posted this article from Singularity Hub on his Twitter feed:

DNA already encodes information — “biological recipes,” if you will. Thus, the idea with DNA data storage is to repurpose that information storage capacity so that we can store our digital data — our selfies, movies, and documents — in DNA.

Click here to check out the rest of the article.  It’s pretty fascinating stuff.

Of course, I bring ...

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