Opus Trek

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Back when I was a kid, I begged my mom to buy me what I thought of as the Holy Grail of Star Trek reference books, The Star Trek Compendium by Allan Asherman.  Of course, it didn’t help that I told her that the name of the book was The Star Trek Emporium–but eventually, trusty mom figured it out and it picked the book up just in time for my birthday.  Unwrapping that puppy, I couldn’t wait to jump in and read about ...

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Tripping the Fraud Fantastic

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With the “news” media getting their knickers all in a swivet over Donald Trump’s tweeting over a rigged election, Jim Geraghty over at NRO has a pretty reasonable piece on the reality of voter fraud, and how there’s scant evidence to prove that it’s widespread enough to tip a presidential election.  While I agree with the gist of his analysis, I do think that he misses the larger point–one that comes into pretty stark relief when you take ...

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Reap the Wild Media

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Michael Goodwin of the New York Post has an interesting piece today about how the New York Times has pretty much sold out for the sake of taking Donald Trump down.  Granted, the Post is a competitor to the Times and definitely has a more rightward slant than the Old Gray Lady, but Goodwin is pretty spot on in his analysis:

Opinions, all uniformly anti-Trump, now ooze from the paper’s every pore, with headlines on front-page “news” articles indistinguishable from daily denunciations on ...

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All Aboard

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Since we mentioned the renowned Payne Harrison in our last post, I thought it might also be a good time to mention that he’s working on a revamp of his website and has posted a nifty trailer for his latest novel, EUROSTORM.

If you like guns, tough-as-nails commandos, guns, beautiful and mysterious operatives, terrifying conspiracies, guns, explosions, pulse-pounding excitement, trains and guns, you’ll like this one.  Joe Bob says check it out:

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BookBub Has a Bargain Put Aside For Thee

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Hi, kids!  Long time, so see!  I know I’ve sworn up and down that I’d get of my lazy duff and actually start posting some stuff on the blog…but this time I really mean it!  Well, at least so long as the other various duties that seem to chew up most of my time these days are kept at bay.

It also helps to have something interesting (not to mention mysterious) to report.  Yesterday, my old writer buddy and fellow Texas ...

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I Think It’s Gonna Be a Long, Long Time

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Congratulations to NASA for a perfect first test flight of America’s new Orion spacecraft! It’s exciting to get back on the road to space, especially since the end of the shuttle program.

However, I can’t help but lament how short of a distance we’ve come, and how much more slowly we’re getting there. It was on May 25, 1961, that president John F. Kennedy addressed the Congress and outlined the goal, before the decade was out, of landing a man on ...

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