In Irma’s Crosshairs

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I’m a Florida native, born at Macdill Air Force Base when my dad was stationed there, raised in the Sunshine State since his military stint ended right about the time disco was taking its last gasps.  So it’s fair to say I’ve seen my share of hurricanes over the years.  As a kid, I used to track them with the kind of fervor most other kids reserved for Thundercats and He-Man, using the handy map provided by my local newspaper at ...

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Cinderella Man

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Kids are funny creatures when it comes to a lot of things, but none moreso than their movie tastes. For a few weeks Lexie and Christian will totally obsess over one movie to the exclusion of all others, and then BAM–you couldn’t pay them to watch it again. Luckily this kind of thing goes in cycles, so once enough time passes I can get the old favorites back into rotation again. Even the Baby Einstein videos get resurrected every now ...

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Adult Education

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I swear, it’s just like that Rodney Dangerfield movie Back to School–except that I’m not the wealthy owner of a bunch of Tall & Fat men’s clothing stores. Plus I’m not throwing hot tub parties in my dorm room. . .or accidentally crashing a sorority house. . .or getting the dean to name a business school after me. Come to think of it, it’s not really like that movie at all–except in the sense that I’m the oldest ...

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Texas Twisters

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The kids and I have started a new tradition in the Giller household. After dinner’s all done and the dishes put away, and after we’ve all been on our walk and gotten cleaned up, Lexie and Christian settle in with dear old dad and watch a bit of a movie before going to bed. I have to admit, it’s become a bit addictive as I get lots of good cuddle time–and who could resist such a thing with these two ...

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Old Dog, New Tricks

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Welcome to 2007! Man, that still sounds weird. If you’re anything like me, you spent the better part of the 80s calculating how old you’d be when the year 2000 rolled around and what life might be like–and now here we are, getting close to a decade past that. Remember all the hysteria over the whole Y2K thing? It seems like a long time ago–and not just because most of those cheesy predictions turned out to ...

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Hammerjack 2.0

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Actually, that might have been a good name for the sequel…

Howdy, everyone! Back on the air after a brief absence–but as you can see, a few things have changed out in web territory. I got a little weary of the old site design, as digital enthusiasts do, and when inspiration struck I just had to go with it. The result is Hammerjack reimagined, with a few new bells and whistles added for good measure.

I also took a ...

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