With the “news” media getting their knickers all in a swivet over Donald Trump’s tweeting over a rigged election, Jim Geraghty over at NRO has a pretty reasonable piece on the reality of voter fraud, and how there’s scant evidence to prove that it’s widespread enough to tip a presidential election. While I agree with the gist of his analysis, I do think that he misses the larger point–one that comes into pretty stark relief when you take a look at the undercover videos posted by Project Veritas Action, in which several Democrat operatives go into graphic detail on how the party has been rigging elections for over fifty years.
Fifty years. Once that soaks in, you get the idea: the Democrats take the long view, and have been playing this game for a very long time.
In that light, you can easily see that voter fraud isn’t about overturning huge presidential elections. It’s more about winning a local election here, a statewide election there, eventually cobbling together enough dead or otherwise ineligible voters to maybe win a Congressional seat in a tight district or two. Gradually, states that were once purple start edging more and more to the blue side–and based on history, once they go blue they never go back.
I don’t need to speculate about that. One of the operatives in the Veritas Video says so. Explicitly. With F-bombs and everything.
Given the amount of money these activists spend, the people who fund these get-out-the-fraud organizations obviously must think they’re getting a pretty good bang for the buck–otherwise, why do it? And they do seem to get what they pay for. Take California as an example: Once upon a time, that was a state that elected Ronald Reagan governor and helped send him to the White House. Twice. Now the Republican Party there draws about as many people as a Backstreet Boys reunion concert. It didn’t happen overnight, to be sure–but relentlessly, over the course of time, it happened. And that’s been the game plan for the Democrats all along. Sometimes they do it honestly–but if left a choice between leaving an election to chance or making it a sure thing, you can be sure they’ll be deploying those “special” votes to give them that extra push.
Of course, the GOP will tell you that on the statewide level they’re doing better than they ever have before. While that is true–Republicans have more governors and more state houses than the Democrats do, by far–the Democrats realized a while back that as the federal government sticks its big bazoo more and more into what used to be state business, it matters less and less what state governments do. Pass an amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman? The U.S. Supreme Court declares same sex marriage the law of the land. Make a state law that enforces the borders because the feds won’t do it? The courts block that too. Even local school districts aren’t safe, with the Department of Education in Washington using Title IX to nix the separation of boys’ and girls’ bathrooms and foisting Common Core on everyone. Suddenly, that state advantage the GOP has starts to look like a fistful of pesos.
So no, maybe there isn’t enough voter fraud to tip a presidential election one way or the other. Then again, at this point, does it even need to?