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A few weeks ago, I took my first trip to Manhattan to tape an interview with Mike Straka, entertainment correspondent extraordinaire from the Fox News Channel. You know all the things you hear about New York City cab drivers? Well, they’re all true. It’s like being in some parallel universe where the laws of physics don’t apply. I still don’t know how my driver got me back to LaGuardia during rush hour in a mere 35 minutes (on a Friday, no less), but somehow he did it. Hands down, it was the best thrill ride I’ve ever been on.

The funny part was that I never felt like I was in danger of ending up trapped inside the twisted, hulking remains of a yellow cab wrapped around a UPS truck. In fact, as the ride progressed, I kind of got into it. I felt like one of those minicams on the hood of a NASCAR racer, watching the traffic weave in and out of our way, all while the cabbie layed on the horn and jabbered on his cell phone at the same time. I was, to say the least, impressed with his multitasking. I can’t wait to try it again.

And the interview? Well, you can watch part of it on Mike’s Real Deal webcast. Be forewarned: you’ll have to slog through Paris Hilton slinking around in that Carl’s Jr. ad first–so if soapsuds and all-beef patties aren’t your thing, you may want to go get a snack first (tofurkey, anyone?). My stuff appears in the second half of the segment.

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